Semapedia – the physical wikipedia

Semapedia is the latest project from my good buddy Stan Wiechers. Semapedia enables physical hotlinks to wikipedia articles, by using printed semacode tags. A semacode is an optical barcode that contains a URL internet address. Certain camera phones have built in semacode readers and web browsers.

An example usage might be that you are walking past Katz’s Deli in New York and see the semapedia tag. You snap it with your cameraphone and are taken to a wikipedia article describing how Meg Ryan’s famous orgasm scene in ‘When Harry Met Sally…’ took place there.

The problem I see is that semapedia tags are easily ripped down. Maybe they should try using some more durable medium, such as spray paint stencils.

2 Responses

  1. diego says:

    that project rocks!!!!
    it is sooo simple and clever. it ties flicker, google maps with a simple url encoding system. really recommended for those with camera phones running a symbian os.


    (hey felix, i can you make an RSS feed for this site?)

  2. Alexis says:

    Hi Diego!

    I just saw your comment now, but I am glad you like the idea!
    Check out our Weblog with daily updates at

    Cheers and all the best from Vienna!
