A weird floating head

This is an old swf I dug up recently when I should of been learning AS3. I like the way it turned out. The pseudo-3d effect is achieved by using a variation on the old drag the nose by the cursor effect. Here is a bigger version.

Oh yeah, the floating head belongs to Gene Liebel, my old work mate at Huge.

12 Responses

  1. Jaime says:

    Good work. That’s kind of creepy.

    I’d sure like to see a tutorial on the “drag the nose by the cursor effect”. I could certainly use it on a new project of mine.

  2. Robert says:

    I linked the bigger version to my blog, if you don’t mind…. I have a bit of a list of weird shit going… nothing much… but this fits nicely.

  3. Hottie says:

    That is a very cool flash trick. I would love to see a tutorial on how to create a floating head like yours. great work.

  4. I’ve had recurring nightmares of the floating head ever since I saw the bigger version of it a couple days ago. I thought I just let you know that you ruined my once peaceful nights of sleep. Now, that I got that “floating head” off my chest. Great work! 🙂

  5. brunettebabe says:

    thats kewl a floatin head! its kinda weird though lol. how did u do that?? bye bye

  6. wqsyxr says:

    Great work!
    But,how did U do it?
    Can U show me a tutorial about it?

  7. don barone says:

    that floating head of gene liebel is so gene liebel. one of my best friends growing up, I googled him to find HUGE and there’s his head floating around, very cool.

  8. We like this, we like it a lot! 🙂

  9. hazler says:

    yep – is great. i saw it and it is really similar to something I want to do – but wanna work with lots of crazy childrens faces and manipulate them like this – i realise you haven’t made a tutorial yet – but if you make one would love to see it!

  10. Lora Peraza says:

    Nice work Gene. Proud you are my brother! The kids love playing with the floating head of their uncle…..lol!

  11. wqsyxr says:


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