PostcardViewer Update


I completed the viewer update trifecta – PostcardViewer has been updated to v1.2.

I actually re-wrote the code from scratch, since the previous code was starting to show it’s age. The main new feature is captions. Since the images are rotated slightly the text requires an embedded font to render. This means that non-english characters, italics and bold are not supported (PostcardViewer-Pro allows you embed different character sets as required). View the complete list of updates here.

I always liked this viewer since it is very simple but fun and effective. It uses Flash’s fast scaling code to produce nice zooming transitions. About the image rotation in PCV – a few people have complained that the rotation degrades image quality. I think the slight rotation adds a subtle real-world cue that makes the images more visually interesting and ‘real’. Think about it – when you look at a set of actual photos, they are not all perfectly perpendicular to each other. Your brain does a fine job of working out which direction is up and which direction is down within the image. Let’s break free of the tyranny of the 90 degree angle 😉 (PCV-Pro allows you to disable the image rotation).

PostcardViewer-Pro customers are notified via email when there is an update. All 1.x updates are provided free of charge.

5 Responses

  1. James says:

    You are one of the most innovative developers out there, I am incredibly impressed by your work! Functionality perfectly blended with usability and a clean style. Please keep up the great work!!!

  2. Tan2x says:

    Wish to integrate PostCard viewer and every of your work as a windows native image viewer (i.e. for Windows Photo Gallery).
    It is so tedious to view image on Windows statically.
    I hope someday I can view all of my images with your work.

  3. Can this be dropped into the Lightroom version?

  4. Cyberphonics says:

    I love your viewers. I needed a simple gallery for my website and all of the quotes I received were over $1000 to do what I was able to do on my own with your free viewers. For someone who is a broke, unemployed artist just trying to get their work shown, that made a big difference to me, so I thank you a ton for making viewers like these available to the public.

    Do you have any intention of developing a viewer that would be sort of a postcard/simpleviewer hybrid? I was using both and I love them both, but I realized that I would rather have gallery that displays the images the way the postcard viewer does (without the need of thumbnails and with the ability to zoom in/out), but they don’t overlap, just sit side by side the way the thumbnails in the simpleviewer does (along with the ability to go from one page to the next).

    Sort of a simpler simpleviewer I guess lol I would love to see something like that. Good luck with all of your developments!

  5. Matt says:

    Looking forward to the update….I would love to drop this into iPhoto but the “how to” link is bad.

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