Did Money Just Become Meaningless?


Does this even make sense? Source. See also here.

9 Responses

  1. Steve says:

    It would have been nice if the “other large governmental projects” added up to the same amount as the 2008 bailout for graphical clarity–though the difference in size helps.

    Regardless, the point is evident.

    Money would only become meaningless if these were new dollars being printed…as it is, some of bailout money is coming from a fund already in existence.

    I can’t help but feel this cycle of debt can do nothing but perpetuate as time moves forth–even if those borrowing will be paying interest back to our [soon-to-be socialist] government…

  2. Wow, good luck paying that debt off!

    There’s a great comment on the page that calculated that every man, woman and CHILD in the US now has to pay back $10,400. Youch, that’s going to require a few piggy banks to be smashed open 😉

  3. awake says:

    Not every man, woman and child in the US actually works, so if the working population has to pay, my guess is it will be up to 10 times more (something like 100k each).

  4. Am I missing something? Is the bailout actually $4.6 trillion? I thought we were talking about $700 billion. Still a lot of money but this is like 6x that amount. Correct me if I’m wrong. Does this include interest or something?

  5. Daryl James says:

    Amazing. I get the concept, but my question is the same as Mims, $4.6 trillion?

  6. Felix Turner says:

    $4.6 trillion is a sum of all the bailouts (including citibank). CNBC estimates the number at $7.36 trillion. Check the links above for the source of the numbers.

  7. rich says:

    Trying to compare ‘dollars to dollars’ is meaningless – totally meaningless… you must compare based on something like %of GNP or at least knock it down 50% for inflation. It’s like comparing 3.00 gas prices against .50 cent gas prices in 1972. There is no comparison because in 1972 you earned 8,000.00 a year and now you earn 50,000.00 based on inflation. All of these talking heads and newspapers use straight nmbers w/o analysis to scare you and drive you to their media – like an auto accident… take heart, things are f-d up, but it’s Keynesian fiscal policy, nothing more except that the Dems will build a whole new world of social programs that will raise our tax burden and drive more business out of the country.

  8. felix says:

    @rich – the numbers are adjusted for inflation.

  9. Flickr 3D…

    Es ist schon erstaunlich, was man mit ein wenig Flash heute alles machen kann….

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