SimpleViewer v1.8.5 Released

SV grab

When I first created SimpleViewer back in 2003, it was mainly a reaction against the multitude of bad web photo galleries that were out there. The idea was to create a gallery that was simple, unobtrusive and usable. I did not expect 5 years later that it would be getting over 15,000 downloads a week!.

This popularity has spurred me to keep improving the gallery. The 1.8.5 updates include:

  • Added full localization support
  • Allow direct links to images within gallery
  • Added PNG and GIF support (publishing to Flash 8 )
  • Added 3 new XML options: vAlign, hAlign, navPadding. These improve layout for small format galleries.
  • Added 5 new Pro AS options: showCaptionOnRollover, captionUnderThumbs, captionFontSize, titleFontSize, captionPadding
  • Allow setting caption and title colors via HTML font tags

As usual, these new features are mainly based on the awesome feedback that comes from the forums. Unfortunately due to the high volume of posts I do not have time to answer each one, but I do read every post and take note of the issues raised.

SimpleViewer-Pro customers are notified via email when there is an update. All 1.x updates are provided free of charge.

Please download the latest version, give it a whirl and let me know if you see any bugs. Thanks!

30 Responses

  1. Stefan says:

    Great work Felix … again!

  2. Haobam says:

    Really loved your work. I’ve been using Dustin’s modified version which enables me to show my Flickr photos. Any plan to enable Flickr or Picasa photos.

  3. pek says:

    Yeah, thanks for this update! I’m going to try it!

  4. GreG says:

    Yep, good job Felix!
    I would prefer SimpleViewer not to embed any code to retrieve photos from flickr or picasa in order to keep it lightweight. Now a separate release is always possible.
    Of course, this is up to Felix!

  5. chuan says:

    Hey, thank you so much for creat SimpleViewer. I love it so much! And Come on, i’ll keep using it!
    Thank you!!

  6. Adam Lee says:

    Fantastic application. I was literally searching through the internet for weeks looking for a gallery maker which wasn’t rigid and delivered what it promised. Thanks a bunch. Any plans for a low end web video player of a similar nature?

  7. I just successfully downloaded simple viewer and put up a test gallery on a comp site I’m working on for my brother’s remodeling business.

    I’m a bit of a newbie at anything beyond basic html so was pleased I figured out how to make it work for me. Now I have to create my final image folders with captions, etc. and do it again.

    However, I printed out the SimpleViewer Options with the idea I would experiment a bit with adding a background and really don’t “get” how to do the path, etc. to add a background image. Can you help? Will the image automatically tile or will it be a big image to fill the whole background?

    One more item… is it possible to add a link or two back to the site or to another page within the gallery, at the top? If so, where do I insert that code? In the html… and if so, where?

    I realize I’ve asked more than one question… hopefully you can assist or send me to the right places to find the answers.

    I put my test gallery/comp site link above… thanks.

  8. Felix Turner says:

    @Christine – Please post support questions in the SimpleViewer forum.

  9. Antonello says:

    I really love your jobs, they are great, and I envy you at being so able to do these tihng.
    I used a pair of web gallery on my website, of course I am not so good at it as you.
    my best compliment.
    Is it possibile to download the source for the photospace gallery, i didn’t find the download link.
    thank you very much.

  10. aliaks says:

    Who are those creative guys??

  11. aliaks says:

    I am a wedding photographer. I am rebuilding my website and got to create a new portfolio. I was going to code it in php, but decided to google a solution….. and I am here. I will certainly use a simpleviewer. It is very simple and very impressive!


  12. Aperta says:

    Keep Creative Guys.., and thanks for your share..

  13. Len says:

    I’ve been using this for a couple of years. I love it. The best I’ve ran across or seen. Simple, clean, uncluttered. I’m still in the process of redoing my site, but this is by far one of the best assets available. Thanks. – L.W. Parry

  14. Jane says:


    I’ve got Adobe Lightroom 1.4 – can you tell me how I can tell which version of simpleviewer is included in the installation please as if it is an earlier version, I’d like to upgrade to the newer one.


  15. natalie says:

    Love the simple viewer! It is the best photo gallery app out there.

    Is there anyway in a future release you could configure it to allow titles in between thumbnail rows? For example maybe I would have two thumbnail rows with pictures from one event with a title for the event, then for the next two rows I would have a different title with pics from a different event?

    That would be really cool. I love your work, thanks for the rockin’ app!

  16. brittany says:

    hey, uhm how actually do i use this? i’ve downloaded this already. I tried using it on freewebs [well i tried tiltviewer] and i got it to show up, but it was someone elses pictures. i did change that code.
    i want to have it take up a full web browser screen and its not going to be on a site like http://www.myname[dot]com
    it’ll be like www[dot]domain[dot]com/myname.
    could someone reply to me at
    Just leave a comment replying, thanks.

  17. Levi says:

    Wow, I don’t even know where to begin man…SimpleViewer is awesome! The best script I’ve seen out there for photo galleries! It’s so freggin easy. I followed the instructions on your site for creating a gallery and literally at the push of a button, the script created a complete fully functional gallery.

    I was like “is that is????”. I couldn’t believe how little effort it took on my part.

    Great job on creating this script! Much props.

  18. Juan says:

    I need 1.8 simpleviewer version but I can’t find it. simpleviewer 1.8.5 show the captions under thumbnails but I need in the foot of picture as before versions (sorry for my english). somebody help me???

  19. Juan says:

    I need 1.8 simpleviewer version but I can’t find it. simpleviewer 1.8.5 show the captions under thumbnails but I need in the foot of picture as before versions (sorry for my english). somebody help me???

  20. Victor says:

    Hi! Thank you for “Simple Viewer” .

    I got a few questions to meke you.. I have created a gallery with it , setting the background to “000000” (black) and I am trying to put the “swf” resulting video gallery into my dreamweaver file in order to have a background image with a menu …
    When I preview the gallery (just the gallery) the background is black , but when I put it into dreamweaver and preview it , changes to a grey :s Yo know what can I do? I have been looking for any mistake on the Scrip but seems ok…
    Please let me know if you can fix it 😉

    And… just one more.. is it possible to put a button or something to the gallery in order to go back to a previus site or menu? Because I dont like to press “return” on firefox , explorer, etc…

    Thanks a lot!


  21. Ricardo says:

    simpleviewer seam really interesting, it gathers everything I was looking for:
    simplicity and nice looking.

    For my point of view only 2 things are missing:
    – capacity to browse through folders and subfolders, working as albuns and subalbuns
    – capacity to play videos

    I looked through the code and there seems to be an easy way to put his to work, with a dynamix xml file and a few changes in swf file.

    I would like to offer my help to do these changes, if you are interested

    Anyway great tool you have here

  22. Kristine says:

    Does anyone know how to update an existing photo gallery? I want to add additional pictures to the gallery but don’t want to have to add additional captions again. Any help that you can offer would be greatly appreciated.


  23. Nokao says:

    Isn’t there a way to remove the credits in the right-lower part ?

  24. brush says:

    How many it is possible to load pictures?

  25. popi says:

    simpleviewer is the best of flash galeries 😉 i have this gallery 3yers and i wan’t thank you for that

  26. nina says:

    Can I achieve an image rollover with simpler viewer pro. I need to show an image gallery with before/after images.

    Thanks for your help.


  27. Greg says:

    Just 1 question:

    I have a firm of creation of Internet site.
    If a customer asks me to insert a gallery of picture, can I to use TiltViewer?

    Thank’s for your answer

  28. Greg says:

    or simpleviewer :p

  29. Alex says:

    Nice work but ! how can I put “BACK flash button” inside simple viewer swf file . I have fla file and when I try to put it (button) , the background is overlapping my button , what can I do in this situation . Sorry for my English I am from USSR :))))))

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